My Yellow Tulips


I have posted in here what my tulips looked like when it first sprout. I was a happy gardener because it means I can grow a plant. Most of the plants I replanted from one flower pot to another have died. Anyway, I updated the post from last year to this year. This is what my tulips look like during the first couple of weeks of the season.

I have planted 5 bulbs and two of them had bloomed with two beautiful flowers. Ain’t that pretty?

Thanks to my MIL who’s giving me these 5 bulbs and sharing her gardening tips. She said to get more bulbs I should dig it and transfer it. It grows more bulbs underneath the soil. I want to buy a new bulb tulips bulb with different color so i can add some more flowers to this front yard of ours. Maybe in that way our next door neighbor’s cat would stop defecating in our yard.


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