When looking for a new TV, there are many elements to consider. Many think that buying the biggest one is the best idea, however, choosing an ideal size of TV goes far beyond that, no matter if it is a 60 inch tv or TVs larger or smaller than 60 inches.

In many online TV stores, it is possible to find a comparison table to be able to choose the best one in terms of its functions, resolution, applications, technology and more, however, very few talk about the relationship between the size of the TV and the space of the place where it will be used.

Choosing the TV with more inches or the most expensive, is not necessarily the best option. It is very common that some customers want to return the TV because it does not look good, but it is almost always because they do not consider the proper distance that should be between the user and the TV, so that the image quality is really taken advantage of.

In view of the fact that users have doubts about choosing the ideal size of the TV, they have decided to incorporate in their product information a table of inches with respect to the square meters of the space, for customers to use as a guide.

In addition to this, you will find other elements to consider in order to choose the best option.

Image quality

The first factor to consider before buying a new TV is definitely the resolution. As a rule, the lower the resolution of the TV screen, the lower the number of pixels that make up the images, so it will be necessary to move away in distance to be able to appreciate.

TV resolution is defined by the number of pixels combined that make up the image you see on your screen. Obviously the more pixels, the sharper the image will be. For this reason, a 4K resolution TV is much clearer and sharper than the resolution offered by a Full HD TV.

Check the place where you are going to hang your TV set

The place where the TV will go plays a very important role in terms of its size. Many people use a cabinet and others use a wall mount. Depending on the way you are going to install it, it will also influence the ideal size of your TV.

If your intention is to have a view of the TV from anywhere in the room, the wall mount will be the most ideal choice. This allows the user to gain much more space in the room and turn the screen anywhere.

The distance between the user and the screen is key, because the bigger the screen, the farther away you will have to be to really appreciate the image of a 60-inch TV for example.


The distance that will be between the user and the TV is a key element when choosing the ideal size of your TV. The farther away you are, the more difficult it will be to read subtitles or appreciate small details.

However, when it is a wide resolution TV and the user is very close, he/she will not be able to really enjoy the TV’s picture quality.

With this in mind, it is best to purchase a 60-inch TV or larger if there is ample space for a home theater. On the other hand, televisions of 32 inches or less are ideal for smaller spaces, such as the kitchen or bedroom.


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